But do raw foodists live any longer than anyone else? Skeptics say they don't, and, yes, we hear every so often of centenarians who, according to media reports, have thrived on tobacco, booze and fried breakfasts.
However, we also know that the only reason these cases are reported is that they are the exceptions to the rule, and many studies have shown there to be an association between healthy eating and longevity.
So, as we as raw fooders believe raw-eating to be the epitome of the healthy diet, we'd expect raw eaters to be living particularly long and healthy lives.
There are no studies I know of comparing raw eaters' lifespans with those on other sorts of diet. So, in the absence of a large-scale longitudinal study, I have here had a quick look at the age stats for eight people known in the raw food world (or at least in the UK and US) for their advocacy of raw food eating. I haven't been 'selective' - there aren't that many to choose from! Whether or not all of them were 100% raw foodists, they did at least all follow diets that included significantly more raw food than the average and were vociferous promoters of raw food eating.
Our eight include raw vegetarians, vegans and fruitarians. And if anyone feels I've glossed over their lives somewhat, please bear in mind that the article would be very long if I did otherwise! If there are any significant inaccuracies, let me know and I'll edit if necessary.
First, what is the average life-span? Well, as you know, it varies enormously, by country, and area within any given country. But, the average for men in the UK is 75 (US - 76) and women 81 (US also 81).
Here they are...
T C Fry
T C Fry, a Natural Hygienist, advocated a fruitarian diet, and sources suggest he followed at the least a high-fruit, vegan diet. TC lived to 70 years only, dying from a coronorary embolism, and he'd been suffering from numerous health problems prior to his death. There have been many opinions as to what contributed to these. Inevitably, some have centred on his diet, but Dr Doug Graham, who knew TC very well, believes that his health problems were brought on by overwork, and points out that on a raw diet TC lived for far longer than had been his forecast life expectancy on a cooked diet: 'Fry...was told to prepare to die when he was 45. He was that ill. He changed his lifestyle and lived another 25 years, 24 of them most brilliantly, and vibrantly...His main problem was that he worked too many hours; often for day on end without ever sleeping.'
(Edit July 09 - since writing this article I've found out a little more about T C Fry's life - please see article 'Why T C Fry Died 'So Young' here.)
Hilton Hotema
Hilton, a vegan and fruitarian, who even claimed to be breatharian at one stage, lived to 92 - much longer than the average. He must have been quite fit in his latter years as he was still writing books at 90 (including 'How I Lived to be 90').
Youkta Kulvinskas
Youkta, a vegetarian, was the wife of Viktoras Kulvinskas, although was a raw food teacher in her own right. Youkta died recently at the age of 59 from 'stress-related' gastro-intestinal problems.
Johnny Lovewisdom
Johnny was initially vegetarian but later fruitarian, even to the extent of eating papayas only at one time. He lived to 81, a little longer than the average, although had not been healthy in the years leading up to his death, suffering from various problems; there are conflicting opinions as to the causes of these.
Herbert Shelton
Herbert Shelton was also a champion of Natural Hygiene ideas (preceding T C Fry). Herbert, although seeing a vegan diet as the 'ideal', was a vegetarian and lived to 89, significantly longer than the average. I don't have much information on his life, although do know that his health was adversely affected after being kicked by a horse! And for some years prior to his death he suffered from neuro-muscular problems. However, he continued to enjoy good mental health, as he was still dictating books shortly before his death.
Edmund Szekeley>
Szekeley translated The Essene Gospel of Peace from manuscripts discovered at the Vatican earlier this century, founded the Biogenics Movement and wrote many books on diet. It is not clear whether he was vegetarian or vegan, although the Essene Gospel advocates a vegetarian diet. Szekeley died at 79, living a little longer than the average, particularly for a man of his generation; I have no information on his state of health in the years prior to his death.Ann Wigmore

Ann, a vegetarian, is best-known for her live food program including sprouts, wheatgrass and raw fermented foods. Sadly, Ann died at 84 in a fire at her premises. She has always been described as being in excellent health in the years prior to her death.
Norman W Walker
Norman was vegetarian, and a great advocate of juicing and colonics. Norman lived to 99, a lot longer than the average, and by all accounts enjoyed excellent health in his latter years.
OK, so at first the 'results, don't look earth-shattering. None of the eight made the 'big one', and two died quite early.
BUT, of our eight raw foodists,
six out of eight lived longer than the average.
Although the sample size is small, this is an encouraging statistic. It's...GOOD!
Now let's compare their age of death with the average. There are only two women in the sample, so not much to go on there, but there are six men.
The average age of death of the six men was 85, which is 10 years longer than the current average male life-span (and will be even longer than the average life-span for men of their generation).
And that's VERY GOOD!
I think it's fair to say that, certainly on the basis of the information we have on prominent raw foodists that the raw food diet does extend life - in our sample, by about ten years. And, yes, sure, I'll grant that, as raw foodists, they were probably taking great care of themselves in other (non-food) ways too.
If you know people who say, as people so often do, 'well, I'm not sure I want to live to....(x)', yes, it's true that some in our sample were not in the best of health in the years prior to their deaths. But that's the case for many people who die in their 60s and 70s. What would you rather? Live to 75-80 with a few years of ill-health prior to that? Or live to 85-90 with a few years of ill-health prior to that? I believe we're here in this life to learn, and as it takes quite a long time to get things through my thick skull, I could do with another 10 years!
The raw food movement now is huge. It wasn't 50 years ago. And there are thousands (hundreds of thousands?) out there now making their life's work the promotion of raw food eating. I think that in 50 years' time there'll be a lot more than a sample size of eight on which to base conclusions. And probably by then there will have been a longitudinal study done of ordinary, 'quiet' raw foodists, ie those who haven't been in the limelight (and if you know any quiet raw nonagenarians, let me know!).
Finally, are there any lessons we can learn from the relatively early demise of T C Fry? Firstly, many of the followers of his health writings were hugely disappointed by his death at 70 - a salutary reminder that our idols have feet of clay, and that if we put all our faith in one person, it can end in tears...
Secondly, if Dr Doug Graham is correct as to what made TC ill, then his story (and Youkta's) does help us remember that whilst diet is a big factor influencing our health, it's not the only thing we should be attending to. (July 09 edit - Doug is correct! See earlier reference to my June 09 article on TC.)
And TC himself listed many non-diet requisites for health. Here are some of them (and in case anyone thinks I'm lecturing, note that I fail on most of these to some extent - regularly!)
Sleep, rest, relaxation (are you getting enough?)
Sunshine (to UK/cool climate readers - are there ever occasions when the sun's shining, and you could quite easily be out there for ten minutes, but...you're not?)
Exercise (running is easy, costs nothing and needs no kit bar trainers)
Fresh air (are at least the little windows in your house open?)
Pure water (research distillers, ionisers; if you can't afford one of those, a jug filter is one step up from tap water)
Aesthetic environment (have you plants near you right now?)
Creative useful work (if your job is no longer right for you, but it's too much to change it right now, start something different part-time).

Motivation, having purpose/cause to serve (You have that, as you are raw. Therefore one of your purposes, amongst many others specific to your own talents, is to be a living testimony to the power of raw food.)
Gregariousness (book a raw event now - preferably one of mine!)
Emotional and mental well-being (too huge an area for comment, except - oh, can't resist it...don't stress over this list!)
(Oh, and some healthy eaters have died in accidents. We may be raw, but we still have to look where we're going when we cross the road.)
Not many of us could show a clean pair of heels on everything in the list above. But let's see raw food as ONE (BIG) step in the right direction towards getting our houses in order.
The raw food biographies here give hope. It doesn't appear to be the case that 'raw fooders don't live any longer than anyone else.' This small sample suggests that, on average, yes they do. And those who were still working in their 80s and 90s, writing books, transforming the lives of others (and continuing to do so, posthumously) are a beacon for us.
And as more people follow a raw food diet, perhaps one day we'll see research that confirms what is obvious to raw fooders, that the more the fuel we put into our bodies is whole, and undamaged by cooking, the better and longer our bodies will function.
And if we can take steps to address those non-diet factors, then...let's go for 150! (with apologies to Rob Hull of Funky Raw, who's aiming for 500-600 years; I know my expectations are far too low.)
Finally, a cautionary note: many people come to raw relatively late in life and/or because of illness. So our bodies will already be damaged to some extent by our 'past lives'. Did you know for example that 30-40% of men aged 30-50 have prostate cancer, but 'silent', ie it hasn't grown sufficiently large yet to be noticeable (and we may guess that it will already be present in men in their 20s as well...)? We know this from autopsies of men dying early accidental deaths (source). I've read elsewhere that half of people aged 50+ have some sort of tumour, but don't know it. Now, there are many reports of disease being reversed on the raw food diet, and, certainly logically, if we remove the causes of illness (as you know, there have been countless reports on the link between diet and cancer), then even if tumours present when we change our diet do not actually go, they should not grow further to cause problems. However, I have read of several cases where people known to be 'healthy eaters' have died relatively young, but on probing, I find they did 'backslide' in their diets in later years, eg included meat, which of course, could have disastrous results. Recently I have read of a well-known person suffering from stomach cancer who has been described as 'fruitarian'. An anti-raw health blog leapt on this, but in fact this person was fruitarian at one stage in his life only...20 years ago. I wonder if stomach problems at that time had prompted him to change his diet, and wonder why he then left it - perhaps because he felt better and thought it was 'safe' to return to his old diet? (I have always been alarmed by those 'health experts' who tell people to switch to a raw diet (which of course results in radical improvements in their health), then, as soon as they appear to be better, tell them they can 'reintroduce' a little cooked food again (!)).
So, if you know you were ill before you went raw (or suspect you were), or came to raw relatively late in life, stay with it!
If we turn to a raw food diet, at any point in our lives, and stay raw, then I think we can confidently expect to live longer than the average and be in a better state of health for longer too, as long as we see raw food as the first step towards getting the rest of our houses in order.
Many people have found this article through googling 'raw food longevity', so I thought I'd share with you some information I've gleaned from John Robbins' new book 'Healthy at 100'. Now, remembering that diet-is-not-the-only-factor-that-affects-our-health :-), and the cultures I'm about to mention certainly do live a lifestyle that is in general far healthier than that of the average UK/US person, here are a few facts about the diets of the fabled Abkhasians, Vilcabambians and Hunza, who are famed for not only living longer than we do but also staying remarkably healthy in old age - not suffering at all, or at least far less, from the diseases common in our societies.
(For ease, I'll call them the A's, the V's and the H's!)
All follow relatively high raw diets, rising to around 80% in the summer. All follow high-carbohydrate, rather than what some describe as 'high protein', diets. Carbohydrates average 70%.
The A's are 90% vegan.
The V's and H's are 99% vegan.
All eat significant quantities of fruit (the Hunzas well-known for their apricot production).
A's: 'virtually every meal contains nuts in one form or another'.
V's: 'their fat comes mostly from avocados, seeds and nuts.'
Percentage of calories from fat:
A's: 20%
V's: 15%
H's: 17%
(whilst not as low as the 10% limit favoured by, eg, followers of the 80/10/10 diet, this is still far less fat than the average person in our culture consumes).
Overall daily calories (adult males):
A's: 1900
V's: 1800
H's: 1900
All three cultures eat substantial amounts of whole grains. The H's, in the winter, soak pulses 'which are eaten raw when they begin to sprout.'
And, as a postscript, would I attach any credence to a 'sample-size-of-one' when it comes to longevity? You bet -when it suits me!
January 09:
'The world's oldest living person celebrated her 120th birthday on Saturday in Leshan, Sichuan Province, according to local newspaper West China Metropolis News report.
Du Pinhua, listed in the Guinness World Records as the oldest living person, celebrated her birthday with dozens of relatives and locals.
Du said she has been vegetarian for her whole life. Locals describe Du as a tolerant and happy lady, who never argues with others.'
Sure, as it doesn't say so, we can presume she's not raw but 1) lots of points for vegetarianism (and several studies have linked vegetarianism to health and longevity) and 2) as she's vegetarian, likely to have eaten more raw fruit and veg than the average. Perhaps if we're vegetarian/vegan, and raw, and have a happy disposition, our great-great-great-great grandchildren can bring us mangoes when they come to visit!
very informative post, thanks for sharing.
recently people have been trying to tell me that people who only eat raw food will die at an early age... now I can tell them about some of these people!
Good article Debbie,
How about including Dr. Esser, Dr. Sidhwa and Dr. Vetrano, Gypsy Boots, even the Braggs although not 100%, were high raw, and many more as well in your article? Reading past articles of Living Nutrition magazine, you can come across many more examples to include in your survey.
Hi Via
I wanted to focus on those who had actually died, so that I'd have an 'age of death', and, to my knowledge, at least two on that list are still alive...(touch wood!). Dr Sidhwa and Vetrano, the two I know best, are certainly great examples of two Natural Hygienists healthy and active(to the best of my knowledge) and are well into their eighties. I hadn't heard of GB - I'll google - thanks!
It's very important to take into consideration when each of these people began their diet of vegetarianism, veganism or fruitarianism.
Also, for fairness we must consider and assess what each of these humans consumed within the first 10-20 years of their life, as this could have been integral to establishing a viable foundation of health.
This could implicate a number of things.
1. The foundation for life was adequate to sustain them with no deficiencies into later years.
2. The diet in youth effected them negatively in proportion to longevity potential and that a diet of abstinence from animal foods in youth would have aided in overall longevity.
For our sake, we should dis-cover these relevant questions. Also, let us really take a hard look at the dietary principles of those who have exceeded 100 years of age. Were they vegan, vegetarian, meat-eater?
If we are genuinely interested in securing longevity, brimming health and overall vitality for ourselves and others than we should stay open to all possibilities beyond the realm of dogma and limited moral perceptions.
Otherwise this was very good work on your part Debbie! Thank You :)
Something anyone passing through here may be interested in is a recent interview from Dr. Bass on YouTube with Paul Nison who recently began integrating raw goat's milk after running into deficiencies.
Can be found here:
Healthiest Regards,
Thank you, William.
Yes, 1. and 2. - fair points - and all sorts of additional information could be analysed, although rather beyond the remit of a blog article.
As for Dr Bass, whose rather nasal voice suggests some sort of sinus congestion, I understand he is a meat-eater. I had already watched a little of this interview and it is a pity that Dr Bass is being presented here as a 'Natural Hygienist' as Natural Hygienists (Shelton, Fry, Vetrano et al) do not commonly eat flesh, and have gone to some trouble to explain why human beings are not biologically suited to flesh-eating.
Regarding those who have exceeded 100 years of age, of course you will find that 99%+ of them aren't vegan. That's simply because 99%+ of the world, full stop, isn't vegan. However, the longest-living, healthiest cultures do tend to be vegetarian, or almost-vegan (see John Robbins 'Healthy at 100').
As regards raw goats' milk, I do not actually have strong feelings either way on this, and have always suggested those who for any reason do not wish to be vegan, have a little raw dairy rather than take a pill, potion or powder.
Not sure what you mean by 'limited moral perception'. You may find my article below of interest, where I discuss morals.
Thank you for commenting and very best wishes on your raw food journey.
I came across your blog through google like many others... and the only question that immediately occurs to me is how do you account for centenarians who eat a whole foods diet--not raw, vegan or vegetarian?
My great grandmother died just before her 107th birthday. She lived in her own house until she was 101.
She was born in Newcastle, England in 1898, but moved to southern Michigan in the early part of the 20th century. She ate very typical British foods--meat, potatoes, apple crumble, etc. (Meanwhile, her husband, from Cornwall, died of a heart attack in his forties--likely from excessive dairy intake; he was a milkman.)
I think through my own food journey, I've come to believe that too many factors affect our individual health and longevity. I think raw foodists and whole food vegans have a far better shot at avoiding disease, but when it comes to longevity, I'm not sure we're able to give diet such massive credit until we actually can produce longitudinal, statistically-significant studies.
Just some food for thought. :)
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Julie
Fair point.
But, if you look at the section that starts 'And TC himself...' I list lots of non-diet lifestyle factors essential for health. I would have thought it quite possible for a non-raw, omnivorous person to score so highly on those factors that they live longer than a raw person who spends most of their life indoors in front of the computer.
But, all things being equal, ie if person A and B both score highly on non-diet factors, it would be logical to assume that the person that eats undamaged rather than damaged food will live longer/be in better health in old age.
eating a raw 100% raw diet does not make you live longer! in Chinese medecine most raw food are considered cooling and too much cold depletes the spleen and interferes with digestion. I have met many sickly looking raw foodist as I have met many sickly looking people who are not raw. Ultimetly it is about balance and any extreme is counterproductive. Raw food might be great for a short detox time up to six months or so...but in longterm it will damage the spleen and you will be depleted of nutrients because of not being able to digest the food.
What affects our health is our EMOTIONS, anger, fear, sadness, jealousy etc....gets stored in our body over time and become blockages and over time become diseases. To live longer one must work energetically to realease those blockages, that plays a major role in health.
That is why you see vegetarians and rawfoodist die from cancer as well.
Raw food for more than six months, and the spleen will be damaged and you will not be able to digest foods? What poppycock! How on earth do you think every other species on the earth manages without cooking their food? Not to mention that there are thousands of raw foodists, including myself (five years) who can demonstrate that that is not true. Unfortunately, Chinese medicine is just as riddled with misconceptions as Western medicine.
Yes, negative emotions have a role to play in illness, but this is because they deplete vital energy, which means the body has less energy available to detox itself of poisons (many in cooked food).
Assalamu alaykum
The peace for you all
I'll have to put my point in to this.
I don't believe raw food has anything to do with longevity of life. I do believe that raw food can provide for nutrition and relieve a person from having to visit the doctor all the time.
Of course I note that the last prophet of islam, in his household they did not have a cooked meal for like couple of months.
http://to.ly/fsPX <-- 7th century Arabian raw food recipes.
Of course one saying of the prophet was to seek knowledge even as far as China.
But what I do believe to be the real reason behind longevity of life, is slowness of growth or movement.
One such example is the tortoise.
And this is proved by the lifespan of sports people. The average age for a sports person is not very long.
There's a word for this, stress.
We all know that stress is a killer. And activities which increase stress, take an excessive stress upon the body. And according to Dr Joe Wallach, when one is excessive in stressing and sweating they're expleating their nutrients into the sweat.
Raw food might help, but in the US... it's believed that at least 80% of the food is contaminated by GMO.
And you know what is the most raw food out there...? Clay. Especially when it's mixed with wood mineral ash.
You know why it's raw... because wild fires are a natural occurrence. XD
That's why something like a slow very very slow herbavore helps... maybe tortoise meat... hmmm
Or a very very slow growing plant... hmm
Interesting point about slowness, Ummer. Must admit I've had my doubts about a certain variation of raw diet that combines a huge amount of food in terms of calories coupled with a very high exercise level - have wondered if this could be quite tiring for the body...
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